You never answered my challenge to define how you define the word racist and how I fall under it.
Ilya Shapiro and I can both have objections to Biden's methodology and you're free to call us racist but that's not an accurate use of the word as it appears in Miriam-Webster's dictionary.
First off, I support the nomination and think the Senators who don't support her are terrible people who are bad for the country, but I can simultaneously think those things while also thinking that you're line of thinking provides no use to the country either. The way to change society is by winning elections and wokeness loses a lot of swing voters (including those of color) because you think going around screaming "racist!", "racist!" suddenly fixes society. What are you trying to do: Guilt me into supporting Black causes and turn me into the White savior trope? (isn't that the very thing you preach against). It's far better to unite people around common causes then draw lines in the sand.
Let's suppose that you have successfully IDed us as racists. What then? Do you think you've made the world a better place? All you've done is created an oversimplified line of what you perceive wrong and right to be. A racist is not a permanent characteristic of a person but a set of pre-conceptions that can be worked around with education and robust discussion. The problem with your methodology is you're trying to eliminate discussion from taking place.
Wokeness is a celebration of oversimplification. Now if you actually care about my views and appreciate nuance. my position is as follows:
We have a Black woman vice president which is a wonderful achievement. We've had Blacks on the Supreme Court, we've had women on the Supreme Court, we've had women of color on the Supreme Court. I fail to see how this is some significant glass cielling that we significantly need to rearrange society for.