Seriously, buzz off.
The reason that we bring up that they're black is becuase the last 6 years of heavy identity politics has trained us as white people to be aware that we're white and others are black whereas otherwise we would be making differences.
Asking other people to not bother us with loud music and being happy when they comply is a release of fear because we can genuinely be afraid of saying anything remotely condescending or wrong to a black person lest social justice crusaders like you will try to paint us with a racist scarlett letter.
The man was playing his music loud, it happens to me all the time with Black people in my city and far more of them than anyone else disobeys the rule on public transportation and I have a right to publicly ask them politely if they'd turn down their music, don't I?
Is being woke aboot giving those people a pass if they're disrupting my day. And make no mistake it's often loud rap music.