Edit: I’ve read the comments below your story, and it seems like other readers are appreciating your nuance and I just wish I could read the full article and I will pre-face my comments by saying that I am not talking about your article (because it is not accessible to me) but the anti-plantation sentiment in general.
It's certainly ok to be critical of weddings and tourism but not every historical artifact or historical figure or issue is entirely about racism and it's a binary thinking that's dangerous and alienating.
Additionally, to erase past history or to suggest that the entirety of the founding fathers contributions (or their generation) was being slave owners it its own form of ignorance.
Furthermore, this is a difference between being critical and infringing upon the choices of others to have weddings there. As a Democrat who enthusiastically voted for Biden, Obama, Kerry, and everyone in between, I do not want to see my party being cultural police like the conservatives in the 80s did under Reagan it's not a good look. Those people were misguided that policing culture would make it better and I believe cancel culture is making the same mistake.
I don't know if you fall into that category because I can't read more than the first two paragraphs because of restrictions, to be fair, but I do hope you use your efforts as a gifted writer not to enforce a shallower form of activism where you try to dictate and destroy others (such as the tourist industry) rather than addressing racism in the present or doing more power by being critical