I'm glad to see someone who fights for social justice and cancel culture like me.
As far as I'm concerned ,the Academy is governed by responding to twitter and not wanting to offend them. They responded extremely hard to the Oscars so White crowd by hiring only Black hosts, electing a Black president, etc. They reacted to some grumblings on twitter about Kevin Hart by cancelling him as host. They tried to rig the race so that Spiderman could win an award when people on twitter were grumbling about not enough popular movies winning. So naturally, people couldn't shut up about Will Smith, so the Academy felt it had to do something.
As a point of correction, there's very little evidence that Woody Allen sexually abused anyone ever. It's a real big shame that the Farrows (who have been discredited over) were able to somehow control that narrative so strongly. I'm 99% sure that Harvey Weinstein wouldn't be invited to the Oscars because he's banned by the Academy. I don't think they would have banned Will Smith if they hadn't resigned.