I respectfully don't believe in cultural appropriation being a problem. But that's life. People disagree. Hopefully, we can be respsectful, and I can try to do more to be respectful about it. I'm sorry if I wasn't.
"Historically stealing from black people has been no problem because we had/have no legal recourse to prove anything because we don’t write the laws. "
I'd prefer to hear about how it's more tied to the present before I'd be convinced. Yes, historically, your population had it terrible but that's largely what much literature including the kind of writing you're doing is about these days. Reminding us that slavery was horrible. I'm aware of that.
To me, cultural appropriation is about how you handle it. If you don't credit the original creators, that's worse, but I hardly think we should ban white people from telling a story about Tuskegee or encouraging white kids to play jazz music.
"Lastly YES being my ally does mean being an ally on MY terms otherwise, you’re useless to me as an ally. That’s like someone asking you to come over and help them move, and you rush over to their house but sit in the car on your phone all day. DID YOU HELP?"
To a degree, that's true, and I can even appreciate how frustrating it is that white allyship is ineffective, but is that not a form of privilege over other minorities that so many people are rushing to declare their allyship to you that you get the luxury to choose who's a good or bad ally?
How are you an ally to the environmentalists, immigrant rights, people in cyclical poverty from the rust belt, people living in US territories like Samoa, Guam, and Puerto Rico who don't have voting rights; Native Americans, or Hispanics stuck on the wrong side of the border? Answer why you deserve more of my attention than them and not because slavery happened 150 years ago.
I think I help the Black population through the work I do for the Democratic party which benefits Black people more than if Republicans are in office. I think attempting to dictate anyone's allyship is a bad move.
I'm not exercising white guilt as an excuse for anything because I don't have white guilt. I'm aware of white privilege but I'm also not an ally to Black causes. Logically, if someone is an ally you should appreciate them more than me.