I don't think the abortion industry preys on negativity. You are allowed to have a baby if you want one. It's about choice meaning arming you with the best information.
I'd be curious to see you what the evidence is that a collection of less than 100 cells is more self-aware or intelligent than, say, mammals that we happen to eat without a second thought.
The idea that killing is wrong in all its forms is simply not true for our society: We debate the death penalty, we knowingly enter wars, we have shoot first statutes, and, again, we're not a society of vegetarians.
The heartbeat laws can be unfair because many people can get to the six-week point without knowing they are pregnant.
Also, I fail to see anything wrong with Twitter's censorship. What the right gets wrong is that Twitter has been consistent: If you tweet something factually wrong and that disinformation could have a negative effect on democracy (January 6th, the coronavirus), you will be corrected or banned. F--- the Trumpists: Science and math matter.