I agree so much that these past two weeks with Supreme Court rulings overriding the state of New York on gun rights, overturning Roe v Wade and demolishing the EPA make this a tragic chapter in our history. I also think the state legislature rule next term is going to be catastrophic.
However, I think there are a lot of problems with your arguments:
If you do have violent rhetoric against a government official, the police have to investigate. That's sort of the way law and order works. Granted, they should not be bothering them in the middle of the night, but still...I hardly blame the cops or systemic racism.
I am capable of hating that pastor in Texas and also recognizing that cops have jobs to do.
What Civil Rights leaders generally did was civil disobedience where they dealt with the consequences.
Secondly, as for our country being a historically horrible bastion of genocide, I'm getting a little sick of this broken record (not specifically from you) that links systematic racism/evil of whiteness with every modern-day problem in the world.
Colonialism and slavery were practiced by every society on every continent. I see no evidence that if some other civilization had the technological advantage over Europe during the age of discovery that they wouldn't have done the same thing.
But who cares? It's a horrible talking point because that's not the specific problem at hand and it's very off-putting to the rest of us to hear this white guilt over and over.
The problem is the NRA. That some people killed some other people unjustly in the 1700s has nothing to do with this.